The ACLU of South Carolina works in the legislature, in the courtroom, and in the community to protect and expand the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people.

In the Courts

When the state tramples on the rights of its LGBTQ citizens, we are prepared to fight back for equal protection under the law.

In the Legislature

Year after year, South Carolina lawmakers introduce anti-LGBTQ bills focused on censoring discussion of LGBTQ issues in schools, banning access to medically necessary care for transgender youth, and circumventing laws that protect LGBTQ people from discrimination. We show up to fight these bills before they can become law.

Visit ACLU's Anti-LGBTQ Legislation Tracker

In The Community

We are proud members of SC United for Justice and Equality. The coalition advocates for the passage of legislation to protect LGBTQ community members and opposes anti-LGBTQ legislation. The coalition also works on intersecting issues of social justice, including racial justice, reproductive justice, voting rights, and health care access. 

Take action with SC United

In recent years, anti-LGBTQ lawmakers have devoted much of their focus on taking away the rights of transgender youth and their families. Click here or watch the video below to hear how a cruel legislative session is already affecting one South Carolina family.
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