Juvenile Offenses and Rehabilitation (H. 3655)
This bill would make several positive changes to South Carolina’s system of juvenile justice. It would:
- End the practice of placing juveniles in “secure confinement” in adult jails for more...
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This bill would make several positive changes to South Carolina’s system of juvenile justice. It would:
This bill would require every county library to comply with a vague censorship rule in order to receive state funding.
Specifically, all county libraries would have to certify that they “do not...
This bill would set new rules for how the State Law Enforcement Division handles reports of missing persons. Among other things, it would eliminate waiting periods for local law enforcement agencies before...
This bill would set new standards for safety in multifamily dwellings, including apartment buildings, dormitories, hotels, and vacation timeshares. Among other things, it would create safety standards for...
This bill would authorize school districts to hire religious chaplains. In districts that do hire or accept volunteer work from chaplains, the bill would require schools to provide office space for those...
This bill would add a new obstacle for South Carolinians seeking to register to vote. All prospective voters would be required to show evidence of U.S. citizenship.
We oppose this bill...