State House Dispatch: This Week Under the Copper Dome

We are back again this week, and that's because lawmakers are, too. Why, you ask? The short answer is that they are back because they want to take away our bodily autonomy. The long answer has to do with a little something called sine die. 

Wait, what is Sine Die?

Sine (rhymes with "shiny") Die is a resolution lawmakers pass to effectively end their legislative session, and agree on what they can work on until the are bound by law to return in January. This year, Governor McMaster has ordered them back into session and there is no sine die. So, this means that they can work on whatever they deem urgent. And while we can all agree that completing the state's budget is pretty urgent, the House has also decided that banning as many abortions as possible is also a top priority. The Post and Courier's article last week includes a lot of helpful context about the situation we find ourselves in now. 

Another Day, Another Ban

Tomorrow, the House will begin debate on S. 474, the six-week abortion ban. Last week they rushed the bill through committee, allowing for just a little bit of testimony. However, we have been here before, and they've heard it before. They have heard about the dire shortage of obstetricians in the state. They have heard about the danger this bill puts pregnant people in. Presumably they remember passing a six-week abortion ban last year that was ruled unconstitutional this January. And so that means that we need to continue resisting all bans, because abortion is our right, and abortion is healthcare. Here's what we can do this week:

Take action with us. Send a message to your Rep asking them to vote NO on S. 474. 
Contact Your Rep

If you can make it to the State House this week, please go and know that you won't be alone. We need to pack the lobby and the gallery for a few reasons—so that anti-abortion lawmakers know we are watching and have to face the people whose freedoms they want to take away and also to be visible and encouraging to the Representatives who are willing to stand up for the right to an abortion. If you want be part of a group effort to attend, RSVP to Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic.
Show Up With PPSAT

And don't forget that you can also call! WREN has made it easy to call your Representative and demand your reproductive freedom.
Call Your Rep With WREN